Obion County Board of Education
May 5, 2014

Agenda Item: VIII.B.

Consider/Approve SFHS HVAC Upgrade Bid

Background Information :

In addition to advertising, we solicited bids from Roger's Heating and Air, Larcom Heating and Air, and Kyle's Regrigeration for the purchase of HVAC for South Fulton High School(specifications attached). Funds are available for this purchase within the Capital Outlay Building Improvements Fund (76100707) budget for the current fiscal year as previously approved by the Board. We received a bid from one (1) company, which is summarized on the bid request tally sheet. The individual bid was as follows:

Billy Rogers Plbg, Htg, Alc Inc.– $61,200.00

The only bid was submitted by Billy Rogers Plbg, Htg, Alc Inc. in the amount of $61,200.00. This company is located in Dyersburg, TN.

Staff Recommendation:

I recommend approval of the only bid received as submitted by Billy Rogers Plbg, Htg, Alc Inc. in the amount of $61,200.00.